Myanmar: Emergence of a Narco-state?

Myanmar is a key link in the global opium supply chain and is part of what is considered as the Golden Triangle. Golden Triangle consists of Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos and is one of the most important nodes in the opium trade, writes Sankalp Gurjar

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has recently released its latest report on the opium production in Myanmar. As per the report, poppy cultivation has increased after the military coup in 2021. The increase in production is caused by two primary shocks: the economic downturn triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the military coup.

The isolation of, and instability in, Myanmar after the military coup has incentivised farmers to rely more and more on poppy cultivation. The report notes that it is seen as the safe insurance crop against the backdrop of political and economic uncertainty. The worsening economic outlook has enhanced the role of poppy in Myanmar’s economy. Furthermore, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its aftershocks on global energy, food and fertilizer prices have aggravated the situation.

The growing poppy cultivation presents a security challenge not just for Myanmar but also its neighbours including India. Even the report notes that, “East and Southeast Asia-fanning out from the upper Mekong region across ASEAN countries, to Australia and New Zealand, Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as India and Bangladesh – is set to continue to face a significant expansion in the illicit supply of drugs.”

Myanmar is a key link in the global opium supply chain and is part of what is considered as the Golden Triangle. Golden Triangle consists of Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos and is one of the most important nodes in the opium trade. Apart from the production, Myanmar offers overland as well as sea routes for the transport of opium. Interestingly, as per the UNODC report, the production areas of Myanmar’s poppy cultivation are located close to the international frontiers with India, China, and Thailand. For example, Chin and Kachin states which are located across India’s Northeast have reported an increase in production.

As a result, India finds itself in an unenviable situation where two countries in the neighbourhood are increasing the production and supplies of opium. Just like Myanmar, Afghanistan under the Taliban has reported an increase in poppy cultivation. Makran coast (of Iran and Pakistan) has emerged as a major supply conduit for drugs. The increased poppy cultivation in the neighbourhood has implications for India’s counter-narcotics efforts, coastal security, and local policing.

Meanwhile, as the military in Myanmar keeps reins of power in its hands, the international isolation of the regime will only contribute in the making of Myanmar as a narco-state. The war between rebels, known as People’s Defence Force, and the military will mean Myanmar will remain unstable and volatile. In this context, the influence of China and Russia is increasing in Naypyidaw after the coup as the West and regional players have turned their back on Myanmar.

Manipur confronts Myanmar narco trade, rampant poppy cultivation

India’s concerns

Although India has not turned its back on Myanmar after the military coup, the evolving politico-military situation is proving to be a challenge. Earlier this month, Myanmar’s Air Force, while targeting rebels, dropped bombs in Indian territory. This incident could have caused deep embarrassment to Myanmar, but India has chosen to downplay it. India maintained that Myanmar’s Air Force has not violated Indian airspace.

The issue of Burmese refugees had become a challenge for India’s North-eastern States bordering Myanmar. Estimates about the exact number of Burmese refugees vary. There are about 30,000 Chin refugees in Mizoram along the southern districts that border Myanmar whereas in Manipur, there are about 5000-10,000 refugees. The refugee influx from Myanmar has become a thorny issue between the Union Home ministry and Mizoram government.

In the Northeast, refugee flows from neighbouring countries and its impact on local demographics are a politically sensitive matter. To complicate matters further, four North-eastern states (Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, and Mizoram) will go to polls this year. Of the four, Nagaland, Tripura, and Mizoram border Myanmar. Therefore, the situation in Myanmar assumes importance from the point of view of border management, refugee flows and internal security of the North-eastern states.

In this context, India has no option but to engage with the military regime of Myanmar. So far, India has prioritized its security interests over the prospects for democracy in Myanmar. The increased poppy cultivation underscores the need for engaging with the Burmese regime. As the military takeover of Myanmar completes two years and the spectre of continuing instability looms large, India is likely to continue the same approach.

Indian agencies intensify action

Central and state law enforcement agencies in Mizoram have decided to work in a close coordination to deal with the smuggling of various drugs, explosive materials, exotic animals and other contrabands from neighbouring Myanmar, officials said here on Thursday.

According to the officials, Mizoram’s 510 km unfenced international border with Myanmar, especially the bordering Champhai district, is a major hotspot of smuggling.

An Assam Rifles official said that senior officials of Mizoram Police, Assam Rifles, Customs and the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) held a day-long meeting on Wednesday and finalised some joint strategies to curb the clandestine trade of drugs and other contrabands from across the border.

The meeting was chaired by Mizoram’s Director General of Police (DGP) Devesh Chandra Srivastva, Assam Rifles Deputy Inspector General Brigadier Girish Upadhya and Deputy Inspector General of Mizoram police (training) L.R. Dingliana Sailo.

The official said that the main purpose of the meeting was to foster greater synergy, enhanced cooperation and unhindered coordination between Mizoram Police, Assam Rifles, Customs and DRI for the greater benefit of the society.

DGP Srivastva emphasised that the close coordination of all sister agencies and the local population are utmost important to enhance and strengthen the overall law enforcement system for the greater benefit of society.

BrigadierUpadhya also stressed on the recent increasing trend of smuggling of narcotics and war-like stores which adversely affects the locals and may even have other far reaching effects in future.

He requested all agencies to work with enhanced cooperation and assist Assam Rifles in its war against all illegal activities, for which all required support and assistance would be provided.

Heroin and highly addictive methamphetamine tablets, also commonly known as ‘Yaba’, foreign origin cigarettes, poppy seeds, opium, marijuana, morphine, bottles of cough syrup are often seized in Mizoram, Manipur, Assam and other northeastern states which are smuggled from Myanmar.

Besides illicit drugs, a variety of other contrabands like gold, as well as arms and ammunition, huge numbers of exotic animals, areca nuts are often smuggled from Myanmar to the northeastern states, especially Mizoram and Manipur.

Myanmar: Emergence of a Narco-state on India’s Eastern Borders?(IN)

Poppy seeds recovered in Assam

The troops of Assam Rifles apprehended one person and seized 10 cases of foreign-origin cigarettes as well as 100 bags of poppy seeds worth Rs 1.65 crore in Mizoram’s Champhai district.

Serchhip Battalion of 23 Sector Assam Rifles under the aegis of Inspector General Assam Rifles (East), on Tuesday, recovered 10 cases of foreign origin cigarettes and 100 bags of poppy seeds worth Rs 1.65 crore at Zotlang village (Zokhawthar-Champai Road). Security personnel also apprehended one person.

A senior official of Assam Rifles said that the operation was carried out by a joint team of Assam Rifles and Custom Preventive Force, Champhai based on specific information.

“The operation was carried out by a combined team of Assam Rifles and Customs Department, Champhai based on specific information. The joint team noticed the movement of a suspected vehicle. The vehicle was intercepted by Mobile Vehicle Check Post (MVCP) and spot checking was carried out, during the search 10 Cases of Foreign origin Cigarettes and 100 bags of Poppy seeds worth Rs. 1.65 Crore were recovered,” officials added.

The approximate cost of the recovered seized items was Rs 1.65 Crore. The seized consignment and apprehended individual were later handed over to Customs Department, Champhai Wednesday for further legal proceedings.

The ongoing smuggling of illegal items is a major cause of concern for the state of Mizoram.

Assam Rifles, rightly christened as the ‘Sentinels of Northeast’ have continued their efforts against the smuggling activities in Mizoram.

(Including reports from India Narrative, IANS , ANI)

ALSO READ: Martial law declared in 37 Myanmar towns

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