Intruders smoke bomb MPs in House

Four people arrested over the security breach in the Parliament have been charged under the anti-terror Unlawful Activities Prevention Act…reports Asian Lite News

After hours of interrogations, the four people arrested over the security breach in the Parliament have been charged under the anti-terror Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), the Delhi Police informed.

While Manoranjan D and Sagar Sharma were arrested for breaking into the Lok Sabha and jumping from the visitors’ gallery and opening smoke cans, Neelam Azad and Amol Shinde were held for who opened smoke canisters outside Parliament.

A senior police officer said they have registered an FIR against them at Parliament Street police station under Sections 153 (want only giving provocation with an intent to cause riot), 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 452 (trespass), 186 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions), 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servants from discharge of his duty) of the Indian Penal Code, and Sections 16 and 18 of UAPA.

“We have made their arrest and are conducting raids to nab their associate, Lalit Jha, who is absconding at the moment. The investigation has been handed over to the Counter Intelligence Unit of Special Cell,” the officer said, while adding that they will produce all the accused before the Patiala House Court later in the day to get their police custody for further investigation.

Police sources said that all the accused had arrived in the capital separately over the last few days, and it was Jha who allegedly took them to “the house of his friend, Vicky, in Gurgaon”.

“The accused started planning the security breach in January, and Manoranjan even carried out a recce as he visited the Parliament complex during the Monsoon Session,” an officer informed.

“A few days ago, Manoranjan coordinated with the personal staff of Member of Parliament Pratap Sinha, who is his local MP, and sought a visitor’s pass for December 14. The official staff called him on Tuesday, asking him to pick up his pass which was made for December 13 instead. On Wednesday morning, they left Vicky’s house in a radio taxi and reached Parliament. Manoranjan and Sharma went inside, while Jha, Azad and Shinde waited outside,” sources said.

Opposition leaders demand probe

Reacting to the security breach in Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said in a social media post that the infiltration in the Lok Sabha is a troubling thing, especially on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attacks.

“The infiltration in the Lok Sabha is extremely troubling, especially on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attacks. I am glad there was no major injury or damage done to anyone. Parliament is among the most high-security buildings of our country. Such a major security lapse is unacceptable,” Venugopal posted on X.

“We demand answers from the Home Ministry and there must be a thorough review of the security arrangements in the new Parliament building,” further read the post.

In a security breach in Lok Sabha, two men jumped into the House from the visitor’s gallery with canisters in their hands.

Congress MP Gurjeet Singh Aujla, said he had managed to snatch an object from one of the intruders

“…He had something in his hand which was emitting yellow-coloured smoke. I snatched it away and continued throwing it outside…This is a major security breach” Aujla said.

BJP MP Rajendra Agarwal, who was presiding over the Chair of Speaker at the moment this incident occured, said “There is a loophole for sure. When the first person came down, we thought he might have fallen but when the second person started coming down, all of us became cautious. The person tried to open his shoes and took something out after which smoke came out. Action will be taken against this. The Speaker and responsible people will make the decision on this. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also reached the House when all of this happened…”

Parliament security system to be reviewed

Following a major security breach in Parliament, the security protocols were overhauled with strict measures to reduce any contact between MPs and visitors.

Meanwhile, the members are informed that a media briefing centre has been set sp at UN20 of the North Utility Building of Parliament House to facilitate the members giving bytes or interviews to give bytes/interviews to media, the Lok Sabha Secretriat release stated.

It further stated that as part of the Smart ID Card-based Visitor” Management System for access in the Parliament House of India, smart identity cards for members have been provided.

“Members, who have not registered themselves in the Visitors’ Management System so far and as a consequence, have not receive their Smart Identity Cards, may kindly visit Administrator Room, US-12, South Utility Block, Parliament House (Opposite Shardul Dwar) for registration and supply of Smart Identity Card,” it said.

Moreover, in the regulation of access in the Parliament House, members have been told that in addition to the Smart Identity Card, access to Parliament House is also facilitated at Building Gates [Makar Dwar, Shardul Dwar, and Hansa Dwar], Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Lobbies and certain other places with the help of Facial Recognition System.

ALSO READ-Let him be hanged, says father of Parliament intruder

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