India had become the voice of Global South, says Kamboj

India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj says New Delhi has reinforced commitment to multilateralism and UN reforms during its two-year tenure at the United Nations Security Council…reports Asian Lite News

Highlighting India’s two-year tenure at the United Nations Security Council, which is coming to an end on December 31, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj on Wednesday said New Delhi was the voice of the entire Global South, and reinforced commitment to multilateralism and UN reforms.

Ambassador Kamboj said, “We were the voice of the entire Global South and we reinforced our commitment to the basic principles, including multilateralism, rule of law, and fair and equitable international system.” India assumed the monthly rotating presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on December 1, the second time in its two-year tenure, as an elected member of the Council in 2021-22. India had earlier assumed the UNSC presidency in August 2021.

Summing up last two years for Indian Mission at UN, underscoring India’s December Presidency, she said, “At the high-level week of UNGA in 2020, where we before entered the Security Council, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that we will use the prestige and experience of being the largest democracy in the world for the benefit of the whole world.”

Lauding India’s tenure and achievements, Kamboj said, “We can take pride in saying that India stood by those words. In the last two years, we spoke out in support of peace, security and prosperity. We did not hesitate in raising our voice against the common enemies of humanity, such as, terrorism.”

She emphasised that India raised voice against terrorism in these two years, bringing attention to its various expressions which need to be addressed by the international community through solidarity and unity.

“In October 2022 as you all know, we brought the Security Council, the famous horse-shoe table to India for the very first time, adopting the Delhi Declaration, where the Security Council spoke with one voice in countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,” said the Indian envoy to the UN to ANI.

She reiterated that India brought the Council together in presenting a united front against terrorism.

“In keeping up with the momentum, we piloted statement on counter-terrorism and during our December Presidency, we once again brought the Council together in presenting a united front against terrorism,” she added.

On multilateralism and reforms in UN, she said, “We focussed our attention to the urgent need of reformed multilateralism through a signature event on December 14, for it to be fit for the purpose that UN needs to be urgently reformed to deal those with current and future challenges”.

Over 70 countries participated in an open discussion chaired by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and many affirmed support to India in an expanded Security Council.

Caption for MyanmarUNSC.jpg: India’s Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj preisdes over a meeting of the United Nations Security Council meeting on Myanmar on Wednesday, December 21, 2023. (Photo Source: UN)

She also dwelt on the unveiling of a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres and the President of the 77th UN General Assembly Csaba Korosi and Permanent Representative Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj joined the EAM for the unveiling of the bust.

“Significantly, and again during December Presidency Gandhiji arrived at UN Headquarters, when the very first sculpture of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled by EAM in the North lawn Gardens of UN in the presence of UN Secretary-General and the President of UN General Assembly . He will remain here now as beacon and symbol of peace,” she said.

On maritime security, Kamboj said until not too long ago, the Security Council was focused only on the issue of piracy, whereas maritime security encompasses far larger issues as well as a large troop-contributing country.

“During our August Presidency of 2021, we organized an open debate on maritime security. As you may recall, this was the first time that Indian Prime Minister chaired the Security Council meeting. It was also the first time that Security Council had adopted a product in a holistic manner on maritime security, whereas earlier, it was focussed only on piracy and armed robbery,” said Kamboj.

“As a large troop contributing country, we also brought attention to peace-keeping in August 2021, piloting Resolution 2589, which was adopted in a meeting chaired by EAM Jaishankar. It calls for accountability in cases of crimes against peace-keepers,” she added.

The Indian envoy said overall, India’s has been an effective presence in the Council as it was leaving behind the imprint of a caring and contributive country.

“We are only elected member to hold two Presidencies during its tenure in the Security Council this time. While, the UAE Mission applauded us in avwrap-up session as a veteran Security Council member with a principled foreign policy and a constructive approach, the Swiss Mission to UN complimented us for an extremely efficient December Presidency — managing in three weeks what is usually done in four,” said Kamboj. (ANI)

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